Snow came yesterday and it will come again tonight~
the day before Halloween!
Yes, frost was on the pumpkin in Boston.
Despite the snow we will still have
fall decorations up until the day after Thanksgiving.
Most of my decorating colors don't include traditional autumn shades
of orange and rust~so I can't say that this is the
time of year my house looks best.
But still, there are a few things that I wanted to share with you.
This big round coffee table holds all the books and in the center
I can add some seasonal touches~
and one of them is something I have been wanting to add for a long time...
Pheasant Feathers!
I have admired them in magazines and in blogland
and finally got some for myself.
I put them in a mercury glass vessel next to
Donna's creme colored pumpkin with the green velvet ribbon
that she made with her own hands.
I think they sold out of her Etsy store~
I found these on Etsy too...I wanted big feathers!!
So when they came they weren't so big, but they were still pretty.
I love seeing feathers used in floral displays and on wreaths as well.
I have to include a parting shot of my beaded chandelier~
I sold it on Etsy, and it is going to another blogger's home very soon!!
Goodbye Mr. Chandy!
Did I show you the pictures above the corner chair?
This watercolor is of a fishing village
and I loved all the little pretty houses in a row by the sea.
This little house sketch is of the
first house Mr. Maison Decor bought in his twenties.
It is a darling bungalow and we drive
by it every now and then as it is right around the corner.
Strange fact: It belonged to his great uncle, who was the original Mr. Peanut!
Note: Nita said maybe people don't know who Mr. Peanut is.
Mr. Peanut is the character that represents the Planters Peanuts Company.
Mr. MD's great uncle Wesley was an executive for Planters in the Northeast region. Planters decided to have a costume made up for shows and parades.
On Halloween his great uncle and aunt gave away all things Planters, like packages of peanuts and keychains with Mr. Peanut and everyone in the neighborhood loved going to that house for trick or treating.
Back to my feathers~I do love having them and hope to get more.
You should see the size of her feathers!
She was shocked when I said we have no Hobby Lobbys in New England.
I figured she was picking them off of her country estate lawn! haha!
PS. I must confess~what I was really doing with this post
was trying out my new tripod.
I needed to take a bunch of pictures and practice.
So that is why there are pictures from all around the room!