A beautiful French crib for the nursery in the dollhouse arrived.
One can make things, buy things and also rehab things for their dollhouse, and
I do a combination of those things. This crib is from the Bespaq miniature furniture
company and they make very fine furniture and some is quite grand.
I wanted a royal and fancy feminine crib and so
I hunted on eBay and Etsy until I found this sweet crib!
I added the gingham bedskirt, which coordinates with the pink
I hunted on eBay and Etsy until I found this sweet crib!
I added the gingham bedskirt, which coordinates with the pink
gingham rug I made out of fabric on my ink jet printer.
And baby got her own fireplace as well, which is really pretty,
but apparently I didn't take a good photo of it. Next time!
And baby got her own fireplace as well, which is really pretty,
but apparently I didn't take a good photo of it. Next time!
Take a look at what I started with in this third floor space.
The aged walls were there, and next I painted the ceiling pink to go with
the pink bathroom, which is through the door in the next room. I made
the floral chest out of an unfinished wood bombe chest I already had.
Essentially its cutting out a paper print of a flower pattern that I found online.
First I painted the chest in a pink color close to the paper, then I used
mod podge in matte finish to affix it to the wooden chest.
The floors were covered in a paper print made to look like white painted wood planks.
The gingham rug layered on top of that, with the pretty crib sitting on the rug.
It all looked so cute together and I was quite pleased!
The walls were already made to look old.
I stamped a rose pattern in pink over the
antiqued plaster walls to give it a faded hand painted look.
A cute little box with a vintage baby was a
printable dollhouse accessory that I made.
Its the most darling room in my Petite Maison!
There will be more accessories to add to the nursery.
I even have a fancy highchair, but that may go in the kitchen....
I hope you enjoyed seeing the latest addition to my French dollhouse.