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Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas Inspiration

source: Martha Stewart
As I put away my Thanksgiving dinner dishes 
I am excited to think about decorating for Christmas.
Leave it to Martha Stewart to have a beautiful pink tree.
I love pink, but this tree won't be mine.

source: fabric flair
A silvery and white tree on a snowy flokati rug.
Oversized ornaments in ball, icicle and snowflake shapes
create a winter wonderland effect.

source: Country Living
A Nordic themed room dressed for the holidays.
Icy greys and whites mix with warm beige.

source: Romantic Homes Magazine
This is soft and feminine done in whites, creams and pinks.
A white tree is dreamy, but I've never gone that far.
Its a pretty look though...

source: Romantic Home Blog
I fell in love with this skinny tree decked out in dishes.
Cindy's dining room looks so pretty in 
her Christmas scheme of blue and white.
Once upon a time I had a tree in my dining room too...
Source: Martha Stewart
Martha does it again! 
A themed tree of Victorian nose gays and icicles 
with an urn as the tree holder.
This table top tree is an option for those
with limited space or decorating inclination.

source: Fresh Home
Classic traditional style with a minimum of ornaments,
however I like to load my tree up, don't you?
I think I would add some soft peach and purple ornaments.

source: Country Living
What a charming living room with this little feather tree
stealing the thunder of the large tree in the corner.
I love this idea of a darling tree on a coffee table.

source: Romantic Homes magazine
Another version of a feather tree. 
Vintage inspiration.
Ornaments hang freely for clear viewing.
I am on the hunt for my own feather tree!

Source: Country Living
I'll be decking my halls soon and needed some inspiration.
Aqua and pink will be in the mix I am sure!


  1. WOW! So many wonderful inspiration pics of trees...all of them beautiful! The pink tree is so pretty and would be really darling in a little girl's room :o)

  2. Oh, Amy! What beautiful images! This year you have the fun of decorating a new space. Trying to decide where to put all your Christmas decor! Will be see that tree back in your dining room? Can't wait to see your home decked out for the holidays!
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my Christams stockings and skirt! They were fun to make!

  3. Beautiful pictures...I'm not sure about a pink tree...maybe in a little girls bedroom! lol! I LOVE the little feather tree. I bought one after last Christmas and I still have no idea how I want to decorate it or even where to put it. I'm going to get a lot of inspiration in Blogland, though.

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Amy!


  4. Hello Amy,

    So many different trees... our tree will be a smaller one this year. And we will use some very old christmas ornaments like little silver houses, silver balls and cones and some heart shaped ornaments also silver... I love the combination of white, fawn, silver and green for christmas. Mercury Silver things are my favorit decorations for christmas as well...

    you asked about my lilac toile wallpaper and indeed it is a Laura Ashley design. It is such a great print in such a great colour. Very french...

    have a nice weekend, Mira

  5. Hi Amy - hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for the Christmas decor inspiration!

  6. Thanks for sharing these; I always enjoy looking at things like this!

  7. Gosh you've got me all fired up and ready to decorate! These photos are so inspirational.
    I love them all.


  8. Beautiful pictures Amy!! I love the trees you picked! I have several trees I decorate too~ and it's always good to change it up sometimes and go with a little bit different scheme. I have a couple of white feather trees-love them- I got them a few years back- if I find any out and about, I'll let you know where. Thanks for sharing all the inspiration! :)

  9. they are all so beautiful but I have to say my favorite is the plate/teacup tree! how on earth would you keep the little plates on the tree, I wonder if some sort of hooks were used...

  10. Oh!! all the images.. are beautiful!! but the two pink ones are stunning!!

  11. I do all the Christmas decorating in our house...except the tree. My Sweet Mr. does the tree every year. He also takes it down and puts everything away for the next year. I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth! It's kind of funny...some years he's in the mood to load up the tree, and some years he purposefully leaves certain ornaments off the tree. Don't know the rhyme or reason...don't care...just amazingly grateful for his efforts. Thanks for sharing the inspirational trees. Cherry Kay

  12. What beautiful inspiration images. I can't wait to get started with Christmas decorating.


  13. What gorgeous pics! I especially love the tree with the oversized ornaments and flokati rug and the nordic themed room.Thanks for gettin me in the mood to decorate for Christmas!


    P.S. Love the new pictures in your banner.

  14. I'm pulling my Christmas decor out now.

    Great tree pics...Cindy's is my fave. I do a tree with my dishes too...last year was all red transferware cups. Fun!

    The pink tree was lots of fun too!



  15. Mmmmmmmmm..........SO pretty.... I've had a white Martha Stewart (KMart) for about four years now..... I store all my Christmas things at my daughter's house...things are TeensieBeensie here at the Cottage....and somehow the darn thing got lost. Now, how can I lose a TREE, I wonder??? So, I went out yesterday and bought a little green tree that is sort of flocked.... Not my favorite, but I didn't want to run all over tim-buck-too to find another one....And, I WILL NOT pay 350. for a tree.....They don't call me Tightwad Tilly for nothin'... :-)

    Now, I buzzed myself right over to Piknic.... and I'll be darned....there is a collage area there. I didn't realize it's on the homepage.... I use Picassa and just go to Piknic directly from there.... I am so excited. I played around just a little bit so I could get the hang of things and by golly, this is going to work! Thanks soooo very much for your help. I'm going to LOVE this..

    Have a wonderful Sunday!


  16. what pretty inspiration... but I get so confused on what I should do!!! ;)

  17. Amy, thanks so much for inspiring me! I needed a push this year. I am absolutely in LOVE with your majestic pine tree number 2 looking so 'natural' against the white backdrop with some distressed wood beams... The flocati rug is what did me in for sure though... and the simple yet elegant white roman shades - yes, this room reflects my mood this year for sure! Thanks for finding the look that makes me want to get my decorations out this year!


  18. Love these tree inspirations! Waiting to see your tree. Thanks.
    ~ Julie

  19. Love the inspiration photos! I especially like the pink one!! I do love that plush white rug under #2, looks like snow! We bought a white one last year, never thought I'd go with a fake tree, but it's easy, we put it up last night, I let Sullivan do the honors, he did a pretty good job!
