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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

French Inspired Home Book Giveaway. The winner is...

Are you ready to settle in and read your copy
 of the most marvelous book
 filled with Frenchy style design?
Why don't you run into your gorgeous 
french inspired kitchen and 
pour a cup of coffee first?
Thanks to Cico Books for offering a copy of 
The French Inspired Home by 
Carolyn Westbrook to one of my readers! 
Thanks to all of my new followers and my old ones~
You make blogging fun!
I just got word from Cico Books this morning
 that we will be hosting another
book giveaway! This will be for those who love
Romantic Decorating!! I know I do!!
So don't feel too badly,
you will have another chance to win a great book.

One of my favorite things to get for
Christmas is a great decorating book,
so I will be doing a Holiday giveaway in that spirit.
And now....

The winner of The French Inspired Home:
from La Maison Reid
Congratulations Nancy!!


  1. Congratulations to Nancy... though I'd be lying if I didn't say I was just a little bit jealous! I'm going to HAVE to see if my local library has this - if not, maybe pop in to a book store to see if it's something I have to have. I'll tell you what I think I have to have and that is that KITCHEN that you keep posting pictures of. Are you trying to inspire me to do this to my kitchen? Maybe you didn't realize that you are striking a chord with me every time you post a picture of this kitchen... causing me to sit and stare at it for God knows how long! I've been wanting to paint my cabinets this color and stain my table like this (darker than it is now) for YEARS and this is positively making me want to do it right NOW! But I have work to do this week, so maybe next week...

    The giveaway of this book was SUCH a great idea. Congratulations and Nancy, will you please post with your personal review of it when you get it? I'd really appreciate it. ;)


  2. Hi Amy~
    Congratulations to Nancy!! The book looks fantastic- it is on my shopping list for sure!! :)

  3. Congrats to Nancy! Awesome win!


  4. Congrats to Nancy and what a great book!!!

  5. Congrats to Nancy...you lucky girl! Guess I have to go buy the book now because I simply have to have it :o)

  6. Amy I am thrilled beyond words to have won this book! The photos you have posted so far are to die for and I can't wait to curl up in front of an autumn fire and drool over every page. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!

  7. Hurray for Nancy!! I have to get this book for myself!!


  8. Hello! I just stumbled on your blog and I must say it is ABSOLUTELY breathtaking! I had gotten out of the Shabby Chic style (had grown tired of it) and have been moving more into modern luxe but your photos inspire my romantic spirit once again! I'm going to follow your blog, would you mind following mine? Thanks! Jen at The Gilded Mirror!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Congrats to Nancy! The Romantic Style book looks so pretty too.

