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Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter brings a kitchen makeover

 Its almost Easter and its starting to feel like springtime around here too.
 These incredible ruffled tulips came from the supermarket.
 The big urn has been planted with pansies and these sweet english daisies.
A few Easter decorations are dotted about the house....
But what is on my mind is painting these maple cabinets.
I never blog about this kitchen because I just don't like it.
 My kitchen has one window and it is not the sunny side of the house.
 So today I decided to get started and paint.
I painted for 5 hours, non-stop. 
I used one quart of Old White chalk paint from Annie Sloan. 
I recently painted my secretary with chalk paint and had my 
doubts if it would stand up to kitchen use.
 I was told to wax it and let it cure. 
So I did...and then I scrubbed my secretary and it stood up to the scrubbing.  
This is just a preview of the first coat. 
 still need to do one more coat, then wax it, then style the kitchen!
However, right now I am on cloud nine! 
I am in love with white cabinets, 
and I finally will have my white kitchen.
 I carried these large iron brackets home on the plane. 
I found them in an antique shop in Kansas City.
I love the acorn and oak leaf pattern. 
I plan to put them on my kitchen window to hold a shelf to hold some pretty things.
The first step is always the hardest, and I am soooo glad I took it.
 Next week I will be posting more on my 
long awaited kitchen makeover. 
Happy Easter everybody!
linking to
Pink Saturday Easter Posting
funky junk SNS


  1. GASP!!!!! It's WONDERFUL! I LOVE the blue on the walls with the cabinets, and sigh... those rusty brackets... oh my god, this is the best ever!


  2. Hi Amy,
    Your kitchen cabinets are looking wonderful.
    I can't wait to see everything completed. Love those rusty, chippy brackets too.


  3. Wow! I can't believe you are doing it. Only five hours and you got them all painted? Your cabinets are a very pretty style that will look great painted. I might get inspired to paint my cabinets...they are needing it and if it can be done without sanding and priming...I will be more inclined to do. Can't wait for the reveal. I've always loved white kitchens...I've always wanted one. I had one growing up and then never had one again till this house even though that is what I always wanted. They are timeless and I think white cabinets so suits your house! Your kitchen is going to be so much brighter!

  4. Oh..forgot to say I love love love those ruffly tulips in the silver urn. So beautiful!

  5. You did it! It's going to look amazing. Sounds like you got your answer about the chalk paint. ;)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Your white kitchen looks fabulous! I think seeing you take the plunge to paint your cabinets white is what I needed to make me decide to do mine. I too have beautiful maple cabinets but I would love white. I've hesitated to cover the beautiful grain in the wood, but I've had them this way for 30 years, so I think it's time for a change. Glad to know the Annie's holds up well in a kitchen. Is the white a yellowish white or just creamy white? I'm dying to try the chalk paint. Have a wonderful Easter!

  7. I like it better already, Amy! So much lighter and brighter! You are a woman with a mission, aren't you? From now on, you're going to love posting about your kitchen!

  8. Hi Amy,
    I just posted my repainted Kitchen today. My cabinets have been cream for a couple years but I refreshed the paint and brightened it up. You will love, love, love the cabinets painted white. www.Hoot-n-Nanny.blogspot.com

  9. I love a white Kitchen!! I want to paint mine white but I'm scared, my cabinets are maple too. You just gave me another nudge toward just going for it, thanks! Your cabinets look great!

  10. Your new painted cabinets look great. Gives it an entirely new look. Anxious to see the final reveal.
    Your new header looks gorgeous too!
    Wishing you a lovely Easter weekend,

  11. Hello Amy,
    What a difference already! I just received my chalk paint in the mail...any pointers before I start painting??

    Janet xox

  12. Amy, besides your beautiful Easter decor, your cabinets turned out fab! Makes me want to get started on mine. We are still remodeling, but the cabinets are going to be my last project. Mine are that old flesh colored pickled, and look so drab, even though that color is making a comeback. Too bad, mine are going to be white too! Thanks for lighting the fire under me!

  13. Well, you really take the bull by the horns, Amy! I think it's pretty cool that you just jump right in and do it. My hubby would kill me if I decided to just tackle this! Of course, I'd love white or cream cabinets myself, but we are on the market now, so I'd only be doing it for someone else's benefit at this point. It does look great and makes a big difference.

  14. Amy! You have so much energy! I can't believe you did that so quickly ... you are amazing. Love the white!

  15. WOW! Love it! Now we need details! How are you applying it? Roller? Brush? Are you happy with the finish of hand done? I've been debating on getting my doors sprayed.

    Do tell!


  16. I am loving your cabinets, Amy! The paint brightens everything up! I bet you are doing the happy dance!

    I have been hearing about chalk paint...what does that mean? It can't be the same as chalkboard paint! Is it the finish?


  17. I love your cabinets painted the white in your kitchen...at first i was like is she crazy her cabinets are beautiful!! but they look great..i cant wait to replace our cabinets..you said you used ONLY 1 quart? for that many cabinets...did you use a brush or sprayer? btw love love love your blog...thanks for blogging please dont stop lol..

  18. As one who's also working on a kitchen make-over to white, I love your kitchen! Can't wait to see the finished results.

  19. Your kitchen turned out amazing Amy!;) wow 5 hours of painting..you are amazing!! ~~Happy Easter~~ Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  20. The cabinets are looking unbelievable!!! You must be falling in love with your kitchen. I am in the process of painting my kitchen and cabinets too! Must be that time of year :) Looks beautiful, you must be so happy you took the plunge!! Happy Easter, xoxoxoox B.

  21. what a difference a little paint makes! Changes the entire look. Happy easter!

  22. I love the look I've been wanting to paint mine also was wondering if I could use the chalkboard paint. If it would stand up for the kitchen abuse. Love it you need to do a tutorial on it lots of would love to know.

  23. I have been wanting to do this to my kitchen. You inspire me. Like you said, the first step is the hardest. Thank you.


  24. Thank you for sharing... we Happy Easter!Happy Pink Saturday!

  25. gonna be yummy! such a pretty kitchen.
    that little teacup? i have a bowl that matches it...i've never seen it anywhere else.

  26. Wow, what a difference paint makes! The ice is broken and you're on your way to a fresh new kitchen! Love it!

  27. OMG...you are amazing..I love how every time I come here I am not only in for a serious treat but a serious tranformatio of some kind....can't believe how much of a difference the paint made in the kitchen and love how you don't just think of doing it and talk about it but you DO it!!!!!!!! Love it....you have so much energy and vigor!! You are a major inspiration.......Happy Easter and can't wait to see the finished product!!

  28. It looks fantastic.. good for you for taking the plunge. I just love a white kitchen and look forward to seeing the finished look! take care,Maryann

  29. When George and I read your email the other morning we both got a kick out of *here goes nothing* and have to admit I was thinking about you the last 2 days painting away at the cupboards. Lookin great!

  30. I would LOVE to do this to my kitchen cabinets! Your so far are looking dramatically different and I think look so much better! I bet you are just thrilled and without sanding and priming! Can't wait to see the final results!~Hugs, Patti

  31. What a transformation already!! Can't wait to see the rest!

  32. Happy Pink Saturday, Amy.

    Everything is looking like Spring - and very pretty. Good for you on your cabinets. We recently did the same thing, and we love it.
