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Friday, January 20, 2012

Quilt Slipcovers for Leather Sofa

All winter long we spread cotton quilts over the 
leather sofa so it is warmer to sit on~
after awhile I got tired of all the quilts in a 
jumble half on and half off of the couch.
The room always looked like a big sleepover had occurred the night before~
so I finally came up with a solution~quilted slipcovers for the cushions.
This would also be a great way to keep 
the leather from getting really beat up 
if you let your dogs sit on the couch, like we do.
 Four cotton quilts of various sizes would be used to make 
collage style slipcovers. I had 5 cushions to cover 
and would use various patterns on each part of the slipcover.  
This is pretty easy to make~I did not want zippers, 
I just wanted to make it so it had a flap closure at
 the back for easy off and on to wash in the machine.
I decided to do a tutorial, 
because I really think if you can sew
 a straight line, you can easily do this.
And then you can graduate to more difficult slipcovers!
I cut out the top pieces first.
 These would be a little extra long for the flap in the back, 
using the finished edge of the quilt for the flap edge.
 The I cut some more top pieces from the green quilt.
 I trimmed off the edges to follow the curve of the cushion.
Just used my eye, no measuring here...
 Then I cut the long strips that would be the boxed edge.
 That is the front piece of a cushion.
 I used the really old quilt for the bottom pieces. 
 Just measure your cushion and add 
one inch extra for all of  the cut pieces.
 Now I had all the pieces cut out and I will start assembling them.
 Put them right sides toward the cushion and
 start by pinning the box strip to the top cushion piece.
 Work the curve, just pin it together~
I did not add welting (piping) to the cushions. 
I wanted this fast and easy.
 Then sew the top part and remove the pins...
put it back on the cushion, right sides to the inside.
 Then pin the bottom piece on,
with the right side of the fabric inside.
 All you see now is the wrong sides of the fabrics. 
 This is what it looked like all pinned together~inside out. 
You can see the foldover flap laying on the floor.
 Now it is all stitched up and turned right side
 out and the cushion is tucked inside~
lets see how they look!!! 
This is the best part of sewing!
The five cushions are back on the sofas and Tobey is testing it out!
This is something I have been meaning to do for a long time~
it wasn't hard, and it didn't take that long. 
Truth be told, I hate making more of one thing...
so when I have to make five, I procrastinate.
Today my son Colin is headed back to college from his long winter break~
I liked having him around....he is as sweet as he is cute.
But now there are more spots on the couches for me, hubs and the dogs!

freckled laundry


  1. They did turn out wonderful! I think with your tutorial, I could do that!

  2. Hi Amy,
    Only you could come up with this idea of covering cushions on a leather sofa with shabby chic quilts! I love it!!! You make it look so easy with the tutorial the only problem is that I would probably get one finished and not the others! LOL!

    Looks great and cozies up the room.

    And, yes, your son is a real cutie.


  3. Fantastic solution Amy, and well executed. It looks very cozy now.

  4. Very pretty, Amy, and such a neat idea. The sofas look so sweet and shabby now!

    Your son is a handsome guy!


  5. Love how you pulled off this project. Its so different. Love it...so cozy.

    Congrats on winning the giveaway. An awesome win!

  6. Ottimo lavoro:D
    Buon weekend

  7. Wow! We do have that same couch only darker and I also have one of the same quilts!
    I think I might get yelled at if I changed it though :/

  8. I am so impressed with your creativity! I love the mix of the quilted cushions with the leather. It looks like it will be much warmer for the winter but you might decide to keep it on all year long since it's so pretty! The floral pattern would be great for spring too.

  9. Darling Amy~ love your quilt slipcovers! They are perfect!

  10. What a great idea!! Nice to be warm!! :)

  11. Great look. You make the sewing look so easy.....hmmmmm. Good directions for a boxed pillow! Linda

  12. This is fantastic! Thank you so much for the post! They slipcovers look

    Flora Doora

  13. What a brilliant idea! I would never have thought they would work. Gonna pin this!

  14. What a great idea!! I love it! I think this is something I may have to try. thanks for the idea!!

  15. Wonderful idea thanks for sharing your talent!

  16. Great idea, Amy, and they look great, too! I'll bet I could follow this tute for two box pillows I want to recover.

  17. Heck, even I could do that! Very inventive and very you!

  18. Genius! I think I may even try this and I don't sew all that well. You made it look so easy. Thanks for the tutorial!

  19. That looks amazing Amy !!! You inspire me to do some sewing myself !
    I am so with you on doing something over and over ! I like to do one and then move on to a new project.

    Colin is darling, my college kids left me last weekend thank goodness my Amy is still in High School....soaking her up for another year !

  20. Oh, my what a cute idea. I wish I could sew like you. Wish you lived close by to help me with slips for these chairs in the sun room. I will have to pay a fortune to get them made.

  21. Love the sofa cushion covers. It looks so cheerful. I know my Mom keeps quilts on her sofas all the time for her weenies. They work great but do look a mess. Love the quilts you used. Tobey looks so cute sitting there.

  22. Wow you make it look so easy.The finished project looks great!

  23. gardengirl63028@yahoo.comJanuary 21, 2012 at 8:44 AM

    What a clever idea!

  24. gardengirl63028@yahoo.comJanuary 21, 2012 at 8:44 AM

    What a clever idea!

  25. What a great idea. They look great. If I had a leather couch I would definitely be making some. So much better than having quilts sliding all over the place.

  26. What a great idea. Love the old quilts. You make it look so easy...

  27. You can sew too?
    You are one talented friend
    I can barely thread a needle
    Love the cushions
    You know I can relate to the kids going back to college :(
    its such a blessing when we are all together

  28. What a good and cute idea. Love them. Paula

  29. Amy, What a wonderful idea! The slip covers are so cute and really practical. Thanks for sharing how you made these. xo, Sherry

  30. Amy I love them and I love your puppy enjoying them too!!

  31. Great idea! Love the tutorial and your son and Toby are both cuties.

  32. What a cool idea or should I say warm idea.... Thats perfect. Leather is always cold and i hate that. The puppy sure seems to enjoy it as well as that handsome young man. Great job as usual!

  33. This is amazingly beautiful... great job!!!
    I love it - thanks for sharing. Hope you have a happy Monday.

  34. Thanks for the tutorial....love it when you share your talents!
