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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gilt mirrors and Blog Buddies

I love mirrors. 
Its the one thing I am always on the lookout
for to add to my store inventory~or to upgrade the ones I 
have in my home.  I just got 6 vintage mirrors in all different 
shapes and sizes and all were gold~some gilt and some painted gold.
This is a huge mirror with an insert that fits inside
an elaborate frame to create one big beautiful effect.
One of my pickers, Rebecca, sent me a phone pic
seeing if I was interested~
This was what she sent me~
hello?? I was in love!
Sadly it has damage to the outer gilt frame 
but I still had to have it...its decayed elegance.
However I still think its wonderful and am not sure I can 
bring myself to part with it...it might just have to come home
and live with me permanently.
Then I won't have to explain to people why it is worth the money,
despite the damage...some people just don't get it...
its glorious in every way just the way it is.
The insert mirror part (see the inside frame in the corner)
is all clouded up and looks silver and crinkly...
This one is in perfect condition~
a true gilded mirror with a delicate ornate frame.
We can't keep mirrors in stock in Boston~
this one and the one reflected in the mirror sold last Sunday.
Every Sunday we get wiped out~!
So if you are looking, I'd advise coming in on a Saturday
to get first pickings, as usually our new inventory
has been added by then for our busiest day of the week~Sunday!
Having the store has kind of taken my blog to a different place
and I miss the days when I could happily decorate a space
in my home and then blog about it and see what people thought.
In the two years I have blogged I have made real friendships,
and that has been a very fulfilling part of blogging.
One of my best friends owns this chair below~
do you recognize it?
 I visited her house last week and sat in
 her study and got to really check out 
all the stuff she has been writing about on her blog lately. 
 Like this slipcovered chair that she made.  
She's a big deal decorator, now retired, 
and we connected online and now she's my friend.  
She's a real friend too. 
 We talk daily and she does nice things to help me.  
She gave me a huge cabinet to put in my store to hold all my Annie Sloan paint~it makes the store look official I think.  She has started picking for me too!! How cool is that? A decorator I admired, whose work I only saw in magazines was now involved in my life and helping me on my journey!!
We bounce ideas off of each other~we share frustrations and ideas.
 Its just all so wonderful~
 Designer Betsy Speert~my friend.
 I snapped her at her computer...now you all
 can see what Betsy looks like when she is blogging..
deep in thought....whipping up her hilarious posts 
that are also full of decorating genius.
I am so glad she is in my life!
 I have another blog buddy too....
Because she lives far away from me
 I have never met her in person
but we talk on the phone and share personal stuff...
She has great taste and style and is a wonderful writer.
I love reading her stories on her blog, and I often find myself
wishing she would write a book called The Adventures of Nita.
Yes~its my friend Nita of Mod Vintage Life!
Nita is a graphic designer who has suffered losing her job
from the depressed economy...
but Nita did what she had to do and 
got jobs at Target and Pier One...
she just found out her hours are being 
cut back at Pier ONe because they hired holiday help.
So they take the hours away from the loyal employees like Nita.
That stinks!! Making ends meet on her Pier One income was 
tough enough...but now she will make even less.
She has the four dogs to feed and pay vet bills, then
her water heater crapped out and she needed a new one, 
and unexpected emergencies like that
 can be a huge financial burdens.
So I begged her last night to please put up a DONATE button 
on her blog sidebar.  I thought it just might be enough
to help her get through this period...if her blog friends 
gave her $5 or $10 each, it would really add up!! 
Random acts of kindness can truly make a difference
in one persons struggle. 
So she felt weird but agreed to try it
and posted the button last night. 
She is gonna probably kill me when she sees this post.
But I am her friend I want to help her as Betsy helps me~
but how can you do it when you live so far away?
This is the perfect idea I think~
The other thing Nita is going to do for me is to revamp
my blog.  She is a talented graphic designer and will 
be giving Maison Decor a whole new look!!
I hired her to be the graphic designer for Maison Decor!
I want my blog to be able to let all my Annie Sloan clients
find what they need, and still let me blog about the things 
I have always loved blogging about...
not just work related stuff.
So if your blog needs a new look, 
consider Nita~but you may have to get in line...
cause Betsy's gonna have Nita help her 
after she's done with me!
To visit Nita  click here.



  1. I Love reading both your blog and Nita's. I think your suggestion for her to add a donate button is a great idea. I jumped from your blog this morning to hers, found the button, and made a donation. I get much more from blogs than I do magazines so the idea of making a contribution makes perfect sense. What a true friend you are!

  2. Amy,
    Beautiful mirrors! I am always on the hunt too! Always fun to meet up and connect with fellow bloggers.Cool when it turns into a friendship too!

  3. Yikes! Yes, I'm embarrassed. Thanks for trying to help me out. I'd love to be helping everyone with their blog designs...so hoping this turns into something. Loved talking to you yesterday. I always love talking to you. I wish I was close to you and Betsy where I could really get in trouble with you two.

  4. I'm with you Amy, love the mirrors too! that big mirror you're thinking of taking home is incredible. Grab it!
    The photo of Betsy makes her look so quiet and subdued and lost in thought, but she is a pistol!, and funny as hell! I love reading her posts. It's so cool how ya'll have developed such a great friendship.
    I think your idea about Nita is the greatest thing ever! We had a similar thing with a little guy who comes to where i work. He is about 5 years old and has Aspergers. He was getting bullied at school, and his mom tried to get him into this expensive program for kids like him but couldn't. It was such a disappointment. So she asked on Facebook if her friends could donate a couple of bucks to get him an ipad, because it has these great apps for special needs kids. She ended up with almost $1000.00! Everyone was so happy to help, it was a wonderful thing to happen! And, it felt like heaven to be a part of really affecting one little persons life! I am delighted to experience the gift of helping Nita out, i know how it is working and struggling with money!


  5. Such a sweet thing to do for your blogger friend! This is what blogging is all about--building a community of supportive friends.

    Love your mirrors-- I am always drawn to mirrors at shops like yours too. Not that there are very many shops as cool as yours!

  6. Hi Amy, besides being a decorating dynamo...you are a really wonderful person and genuine friend. No wonder Betsy and Nita adore you:)
    Thats a very kind thing you are doing for Nita, and her story is one that we are hearing too much of.
    The mirrors are gorgeous and I am not surprised one bit that they sell out like that.......you are rocking and rolling!

  7. That's a lovely thing you're doing for Nita. These are tough times for so many of us and a helping hand is much appreciated.


  8. I don't think I could part with that mirror either! Happy that you have found real blog friends. That was a great suggestion and post for Nita. I understand tough times. xo Jami

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. (Sorry, for some reason my first comment entered twice so I deleted the dup.)

  11. Oh Amy, you are such a wonderful gal. I too love Nitas blog and think your suggestion is terrific. I hope lots of our blog buddies stop over. It is so amazing to know that you are helping someone who you have met through blogging. Someone who has given of herself and now needs a little help. Look at what we are doing for each other? Amazing. I have spent happy times at Nita's blog and hope things turn around for her soon. Love to you.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  12. What a great suggestion!! You are not only so talented but way thoughtful!!! Best to you!!! xo leslie

  13. There is nothing greater than good friendships and when you care about a friend that is hurting in any way you want to do whatever it is in your power to help them out. I think you came up with a wonderful solution! I know she is embarrassed, but she'll get over it! I can't wait to see what she does with your blog!

  14. There is nothing greater than good friendships and when you care about a friend that is hurting in any way you want to do whatever it is in your power to help them out. I think you came up with a wonderful solution! I know she is embarrassed, but she'll get over it! I can't wait to see what she does with your blog!

  15. There is nothing greater than good friendships and when you care about a friend that is hurting in any way you want to do whatever it is in your power to help them out. I think you came up with a wonderful solution! I know she is embarrassed, but she'll get over it! I can't wait to see what she does with your blog!

  16. There is nothing greater than good friendships and when you care about a friend that is hurting in any way you want to do whatever it is in your power to help them out. I think you came up with a wonderful solution! I know she is embarrassed, but she'll get over it! I can't wait to see what she does with your blog!

  17. I love reading about your shop, your projects, your stories...but this story touched my heart...friendships are so precious...and you are truly a very kind soul....I just hired someone to give my blog a facelift, or I would definitely have hired Nita....going over to check her blog....
