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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I quit!

 I Quit!!
~well I am really just quitting working so many hours in the Malden store.
Too many hours, too long days all add up to a one sided kind of life....
With the opening of Boston I will have help being available to folks
who need their Annie Sloan fix~and I will be able to shop and hunt
for the special furnishings and accessories we like for Maison Decor.
I need time to hunt, to paint, to merchandise the stores~
it all takes time...and of course to blog!!! 
See the rug on the floor~that is headed to Boston tonight.
Justin wanted a faded out oriental and I found a pretty good one for him.
I took it into my store to give it a good vacuuming.
 I love that its all faded and worn without having holes..and it is made in Pakistan...
did you know I used to live there? I went to 2nd and 3rd grade there.
It was really fun as a kid...I kidnapped a baby cow once, I really wanted to keep him.
The cows just wandered all around...and I took him into our compound. All Americans 
would have houses with gates...so I went outside the gate and got him with a rope and
brought him back home.  That lasted for about one hour...hah. 
 I didn't realize they were considered sacred and you couldn't "have them" as pets....
so the servants made me bring him back outside the gates.
Funny the things you remember~although that experience was kind of unforgettable.
 Back to the USA~here in my shop I have plenty to do...I have been neglecting it 
in favor of Boston and all that entailed. However I plan to tweak my style a little bit
over here, as I just love the look in the other shop.
 I have some ideas~and will be sharing them with you of course!

 Now look what I got in the mail from a blogging friend~
its from the ROYAL mail!!!! No, Kate Middleton and I are not
blog buddies...its a package from Krissie of the Shingled Cottage!
 I love a package!! I just do~I guess everybody does...its so fun getting a package!
 Krissie sent me some of her Laura Ashley fabric and wallpaper that she is using in her own cottage 
remodel across the pond! You must check out her darling cottage~its a dreamy little hideaway 
that she has created for herself and her husband Steve. Shingled Cottage
 Laura Ashley makes pretty cottage patterns like these~
I think they are vintage patterns,
but I am not positive.
I tried matching them up to my Antoinette and white wash sampler~
Krissie is one of the kindest bloggers I know~
and speaking of kind bloggers...
 Here is my Dilly~ well he is not a blogger, 
but he captured a kind bloggers heart when she saw 
his gentle face...I adore this dog like no other dog I have ever had...
 One day I got a package and inside was an oil portrait of Dillon. 
Cindy Austin painted Dilly for me~and it is the nicest gift ever!!
I ran right in and propped it on the mantle so I could stare...
and wipe a tear or two away.
She really captured his soul...this is the way he looks when he has those soft
loving eyes and he lays his ears back. I shot a photo of him, 
so he is looking at me in this portrait!
And forever he will have Dave's hand around his chest
and his eyes will be trained on me...its pretty cool.
A long time ago I had posted the photo on my blog,
 and then Cindy secretly painted it!!!! 
She is famous for painting a cow for Miss Mustard Seed you know....
And that cow was fabulous too.
But my house is a disaster since I am always at work, so I couldn't take a pretty
pic showing it in its surroundings...with kids sneakers, and the pillows on the floor
 and the coffee table piled with papers and books...so this will just have to do.
I have been meaning to post this for two weeks...
and finally I get to say "thank you, Cindy!"
Blog friends are pretty great people.



  1. Sometimes it's hard to find the right balance when you work as hard as you do. Looks like you're headed in the right direction. I love the look of both stores. What a great portrait, and I agree, blog buddies are pretty awesome.

  2. I was so happy to see Cindy's portrait of your doggy in your home. She is so awesome! Shingle Cottage is one of my favorite blogs. Love that she is doing the pink kitchen and all.

    When I first saw the title of your post I panicked and thought "Oh no, Amy finally had a breakdown!" You are the hardest working lady I know. So glad you didn't have a breakdown:) So are you closed on Saturday because there is a market there or something? I would think Saturday would be the busiest day.

    I love your posts--you inspire me so much and you are really finding a perfect style for your shops. It is so fun to watch your success!

  3. Cindy showed this painting on her blog, and asked if anyone could guess who it was and who "He" belonged to. I immediately knew it was Dillon, he is such a precious guy!! Such an amazing gift! Glad to hear that you are knowing it's time to slow down just a tad. I know it could take it's toll. Look after yourself, Amy, so you can keep going. When you said you were losing too much weight I was a little worried. Now that you have Boston up and running, rest and enjoy it all!!

  4. I'm so glad you are working on a better schedule for you. I love that painting of Dillon. But I really love the latest photo of him....I'm partial to a yellow eyed, chocolate nosed dog though....he reminds me of my Newman.

  5. Congrats on figuring out your schedule to take care of you. Sometimes we forget to do that. I love the painting, what a gift you received. Blogging gives and gives, thank you for sharing your gifts with us! Di@cottage-wishes

  6. I'm glad to hear that you recognize when it's time to change your schedule to keep you performing at your best. It sounds like you have alot going on and need to clone yourself to get it all done. Wouldn't that be a great technology (if not just for a day)? Ha! I love that sweet painting of your dog. She really captured him perfectly! I know you will treasure that painting forever. Can't wait to see the changes you're going to make to your store.

  7. Holy moly, girl....you scared the pants off me with that post title! But I certainly can't blame you for cutting back on hours to keep your sanity and put some fun back in your life. :) It DOES time to shop for treasures for both stores and have a life at home,too. I'm glad you recognized that before you had some sort of break down! lol! Family and furbabies always come first. :) Oh, and that painting and LA material are just amazing! Blog friends are THE best!!!!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Good to hear you're going to have a little more time! Now don't wear your tiny self out. Your shop is so gorgeous!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  9. That painting of Dilly is amazing -what a special gift!

  10. Haha ROYAL mail made me laugh!
    Only the best for you Amy i hope they brought it on the red velvet pillow like i told them ;)
    So happy you like the fabric and can't wait to see what you do with it.
    Cindy is an incredible artist and Dillon and his picture are just the sweetest,what a beautiful thing for Cindy to do.
    I like your new schedule it will give you a little time to do the things you love...i must say the "i quit" made me jump xxx

  11. Amy...you have made a great decision to balance your life...this will prevent you from "your passion and love" becoming a "job"...I have most pleasantly come to find that the blog world is full of so many kind souls...so many encouraging and supportive people out there...Cindy and Krissie are certainly no exceptions...what generous and kind things that they have done for you...Has to make "your heart happy"!!

  12. Getting a package in the mail is so much fun, it's like Christmas! The painting of Dillon is beautiful, what a wonderful gift!

  13. Both stores look great. I tried the guilded wax by Annie and I love it so far. It glides on so smoothly and tranfers work great with her paint. I did it on an old cabinet door. You can see it now on my blog.


  14. Congratulations on the success of your stores! I am so excited for you! I think that you are an inspiration for so many and we are all cheering you on! And praying for you, your store, health and happiness.

    Take care, Elizabeth

  15. Hi! I'm from the UK, and you are quite right about the Laura Ashley fabric. It's vintage...well 1980's I think as I used to have a Saturday job there during that era. Laura Ashley doesnt do chintzy cottage style anymore...more of a modern English Country look. Lovely, but no roses! Louise

  16. You kidnapped a baby cow when you were a little girl, that is so cute! Awwwww... i bet you hated to give it up. Glad you love your painting, that hand was a struggle, because my photo wasn't too great, but i was determined to get your hubby's hand in there... Anyway, that Dillon has a face no one could resist...

