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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Back to work~gilding and glazing light fixtures!

My little pink swing sitting in the snow~
Well the blizzard of 2013 is officially over, yet the roads remain a mess making it hard to get anywhere.
The city of Boston still has yet to open the schools and life is not as easy as it was just a week ago.
But Maison Decor is back in business~we lost Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  However 
I am happy to report we are back here at work, and it feels great!
Since Justin was staying at our house due to the blizzard we managed to get in 
a day of work yesterday, Monday,  which is a day we are closed.  I had some
custom paint jobs on light fixtures so we decided to tackle the huge brass chandy together.
Justin and I worked together painting all the details of this chandelier as it dangled at
a nice height from a ceiling hook.  This is the best way to paint a chandy. You can rotate
it and get under it and we used a ladder to get up to the higher parts.  There were so many
details that needed to be covered and we used different size brushes to get at them.
Finally we had finished the first coat of French Linen Chalk Paint®.
It would get another coat too~
Then our magic metallic glaze in German Silver was applied.
This is one of the techniques you can learn in our Advanced Workshop.
I have decided to teach this class every other month.
Whenever anyone sees this they love it and want to know how to 
create it!! Even other "professionals" ask me how to get this effect.
Are you interested in learning how?
My first class for glazes and washes is this Sunday  with 3 spots open.
The other light fixture I worked on was this~
You can see the bright brass finish on the left, and the new finish on the right.
This technique is done in the same manner with Chalk Paint and Glazing.
Change out the brass look in a flash!
On my way to work this morning I couldn't resist buying some flowers to 
create a bouquet to counteract the winter dreariness.
Of course I had to buy a few separate stems to create what I wanted,
as I am in love with Hydrangeas and Roses in pink 
(there are roses on the other side)
Pretty isn't it?
  I love a simple bouquet~and need to treat myself more often~!
Hope you are good to yourself this Valentines day and make sure
you tell the ones you love how you feel about them.
I'll be teaching the Advanced Workshop on Glazes and Washes
this Sunday~sign up here.



  1. Glad to hear that life is slowly starting to get back to normal. That chandelier is looking good! I love anything in that color.

  2. Love the way the finish is looking on your chandelier and YES I want to take the class... so when will you be in NC...tee hee!
    Hope you are having a GREAT week Amy!

  3. Wow you are doing such a fabulous job...always something beautiful happening over there. I can't believe the transformation from the dated brass chandelier to the new painted updated style..so gorgeous!

  4. love the finish you are creating for the light fixtures--looks so completely natural and unfussed with even though there's fussing! love that.

    your pink swing is pining for spring like me!



  5. Hi Amy. I just found your blog and love it. Enjoyed reading all about your snow storm survival. The chandy looks amazing. Also loved the post on decorating in 30 days.

  6. I love fresh flowers at this time of year. Glad you are back to work. My kids and husband are back to school tomorrow! The light fixtures are looking great!

  7. Amy, if I lived close, you bet I would be in your next class. What a transformation! I have two brass chandy's in the basement and would love to transform them too!

  8. fab finish wish we were not so far
    away would love to learn that technique it beautiful!

  9. No way that awful brass chandy looks that cool now. It looks like one of those expensive, high end light fixtures!!! Unbelievable change! I LOVE seeing your cute pink swing in the snow. What a perfect shade of pink... I know it felt good to get out of the house, and get back to work too!

