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Monday, February 4, 2013

This and that and Advanced Workshop schedule

 Our Boston store has a new display in the window.  Justin channeled a bit of Ralph Lauren for this one...while I was in the auction house he texted me his idea and so I shopped for a few items to add to his display.  All of these items are for sale of course.  I love coming into the Boston shop to see what's new as I rarely get to spend any time in here.  Last Saturday when the Malden shop closed, Colin and I took a ride into Boston with a few new items to add to Justin's inventory.  I couldn't resist snapping a few pics to share them with you.
 Gothic gilded mirror leaning against a great painted dresser with fab knobs.
                           A low chest perfect for a flat screen console~
 Some hand painted mugs~
Justin makes the coolest little signs and 
he displays them in white piglets.  Love his hand lettered font.
 While I am just snapping away Colin sat with Sylvia, Justin's schnoodle. She is our Boston mascot and is just a little puppy with a darling disposition.  Justin was at the gym next door working out after hours when Colin and I popped into the store late Saturday afternoon.  Little Syl was just sitting on her tiny dog bed and was so sweet! Colin scooped her up while I ran around the store grabbing a few photos.
Colin and Sylvia
 When we got back home Colin showered and got ready to go out with his friends~I had never seen his shirt before...it had the breast cancer pink ribbon thing on the button placket. I asked him where he got it~he told me he ordered it from a fancy shirt company and said that 20% went to breast cancer research. His friends thought it was pretty cool and they got the black polo shirts too.  The girls they meet at the nightclubs think its pretty sensitive of a guy to care about breast cancer.  Colin is just a handsome young man who actually does think about such things. I don't know how we got so lucky with him! He is a pleasure~ok, enough bragging on him...
 I finally got the Maison Decor Advance Workshop schedule started and I have decided to do it in a monthly series. One special workshop per month will be offered.  I added a Glazes and Washes class for February 17 and an Artisan Technique class for March 24 which will be all about the Pearl Plaster and other products.  At the end of this month I am headed to Colorado to spend  5 days with one of the creators of the product and I will get some one on one training time from the master of these wonderful and exciting products!  Of course I will still have my Annie Sloan Introductory workshops, two times every month. March 10 has SOLD OUT and March 17 has only 5 spots left.  Please sign up if you are considering it, as they will be gone probably by the end of the week.
 This table leg bears a smokey wash and a gilded wash...

And last but not least~
Thats my mom on the right in 1969.  She looks pretty chic in her tight bob and cats eye glasses and empire waisted shift!  She is standing next to my Nana, and then next to Nana is my aunt Cynthia, my mom's youngest sister and my Uncle Arthur. They have 2 boys and 2 girls.  Very sadly Aunt Cynthia died of melanoma when she was only 49 years of age. We miss her.  I think everybody agreed she was the prettiest out of the 5 daughters and had a matching personality to boot!  Uncle Arthur is one of my favorite uncles~he is that dashing kind of guy, tall and handsome and got charisma in spades.  When he walked in a room, he just lit it up!  Now he is plagued with an undiagnosed condition and the doctors are busy trying to figure it all out and find out how to treat him.  So if you are inclined, please add him to your prayer list. 
Hang in there Uncle Art! We love you and are pulling for you.


  1. Firstly of course i will pray for your uncle Amy x Such a great photograph of your Family and love those cat eye glasses too!So sad to look at though when special people in them are no longer here.
    The inspired window display looks great and i love the blue chest!
    Justin's hand written signs really look great and so cool sand quirky in the white pigs,the boy has style just like his Mom.
    Colin is a sweetheart and omg he is so good looking xxx

  2. I love your "this or that" posts. Definitely sending prayers for Uncle Art! The way your boys turned out says something about how great of a mom you were. It's always nice to hear your children are well liked and appreciated! We will always be Mom! :) donna

  3. Love your post sharing your family and I'm sure there's someone in all your followers who has someone like you in their family that needs a thought in their prayers for them. Take care & stay positive. As one of your followers, I can see you have a close family around you,& with all your prayers you can stay as a strong united family, giving strength to each other. I always love the way you show the ones who are just as important to your business. Tell Justin I love his stylish hand written signs. He could certainly show the French how to sign write.

  4. Love it all. Going to have my mom even check out one of the pieces . lOVE your blog... Check out mine at The Rusty Pearl sometime

  5. Both your shops look so interesting, full of neat stuff! You continue to inspire me from afar.

    Colin looks like such a nice boy. Did I already ask you about him meeting my daughter, lol? I think I did!

    Sorry about your uncle Arthur, I hope the drs figure out what's wrong with him soon.

    Take care,


  6. So many wonderful things happening over there!! I love the mugs, the sign, its all so pretty and Justin did a wonderful job on the "ralph-y" window!
    Sent you an email I think yesterday....some day I WILL make it to a workshop!

  7. loving the ralph lauren vibe and that shirt's detail. my mom's battle with cancer has made us all vulnerable and extra sensitive to such things.

    so happy your workshops are booming and keeping you in demand--i love cheering you on from afar and seeing your progress BLOSSOM.

    keep saving the world, amy.


  8. Love the Ralph Lauren decor...warm & traditional...my cup of tea! Sweet family photograph and I pray wisdom for the doctors to diagnose and treat him for speedy recovery!

  9. First, did you know Justin was such a designer when you got him involved in your business? Second, is that a sweater weenie dog in the window? Love the vintage valentines. I'll be praying for your uncle. Always amazes me when something can't be easily diagnosed in this age. I soooo wish I could come take your workshops!!!!!

  10. I had a beloved Uncle Arthur as well. Sending good thoughts and prayers to your handsome Uncle Art.

  11. Good for Justin! He really is very talented! And, Colin is so cool that he is genuinely sensitive and caring like that.. I'm sure if he goes out wearing that shirt and looking all handsome, the ladies will be circling him like crazy! You sound sooooooo busy. Your classes are just a huge success! Love the old pic too... what is it about old photos that is so mesmerizing?

