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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Shop views and randomness

 Since we have come back from our convention with Annie Sloan and company, Justin, Colin and I have been working to revamp and rethink our stores just a bit.  Fine tuning if you will~Justin painted my walls a pale aqua blue over the beadboard, switching it out from the lavender.  We tweaked and streamlined and prettified things as best we could~hung up a new chandelier or two...

A pretty gothic mirror reflects the fabulous armoire done in 
several shades of Chalk Paint with a helping hand from Artisan Enhancements.
 How about this dresser~I have been working on this one lately...
 We are also getting our spring inventory ready for sale~
look at little Sylvia, Justin's dog peeking at me while I take this shot. 
 She is a peach! She quietly stays in the shop...although once
 she bolted out the door behind Mr. Maison Decor who had
 popped in for lunch.  Mostly Syl just lays on her bed 
and will come over and sniff at the cans of Chalk Paint® 
as we work on projects...only a lick and she is done testing it!
 Since she looked so cute behind the bistro set I posed
 her in front of this antique dresser.  I have to add shots 
to our online shot and think Syl just might sell it better than I ever could!
 But before long the day was over and Justin and Syl 
headed for their train ride home.  Justin puts her in the 
shoulder bag and she just puts her head down and snuggles in for the ride. 
 Its really adorable and kind of amazing. She doesn't make a peep!
 One thing before I go~today I used some foils from Artisan Enhancements
 that I was waiting to receive.  I loved how this product looked
 with the Coco Chalk Paint on the dresser. 
 Its a very cool product and just one more way to make your
 pieces stand out from the rest.  I will post on this more later~
but was truly excited and wanted to share.  What do you think? 
Foil is like an easy mans metallic leaf without the mess and the price.  
Lets hear it for that!
All week long Justin and I sent out many custom Mora clocks
 including this pretty blue one.  We are doing ok after the bombing 
at the Marathon and appreciate all the concern and notes 
we got letting us know we were not alone.  Humanity is normally
 not this way, just have to remember that and try not to be discouraged 
or afraid.  Its stressful and depressing...I found that getting away from
 the news and just going into my shop to paint was very helpful....
and thank you for your notes, emails, calls and messages. 


  1. Everything looks so pretty Amy! I'm sure it was SUCH fun at the convention!

  2. Love the shop painted that color. So glad to hear you are ok after the bombing. It seems like the whole world is going haywire but then you just have to remember its only a few people causing the havoc.

    The foil looks like fun. I've used something like this before with great success. I've been working a lot lately and not getting to do stuff around the house. But I'm sure my hours will slack off soon.

  3. Your shop looks so inviting! Love the color.
    I am interested in the foil. Have no piece in mind to use it on, but it sounds extremely interesting.
    Glad all is OK.

  4. Hi Amy,
    Your shop looks wonderful! Always does. I love the little doggie, he's adorable and so sweet.


  5. First off, I am so sorry as to what happened in Boston. It makes me feel sick and helpless to know that there are those among us that set out to cause harm. I am glad you are safe and in good spirits.

    Secondly, the shop is looking beautiful. I really love the blue as a backdrop color and your pieces are GORGEOUS! xo Diana

  6. Your shop looks so beautiful! love those clocks and all the fun things you stock.

  7. Ooh, Amy!!
    I've been waiting for a post from you. I know that bloggers have posts lined up, but I have worried about you and yours, so any post is good. I'm just a "stalker" of blogs and don't have one myself, but enjoy reading yours. I have been glued to the tv and pray that things will go smoothly for Boston in the days to come.

  8. Amy, your shop looks better than ever, brimming with all kinds of amazing finds!! I must find out more about that chair in the first photo, will email you. Hope you have a great Friday!

  9. Love the dresser, and the mirror is beautiful, but of course the doggie is the star of the photo shoot! :)

  10. You're right, Syl is a perfect shop dog... she looks adorable posed with the furniture, and i love that she goes on the ride home quietly in the carryall... how cute is that! and as usual, beautiful stuff in the shop too. That dresser with the foil is wonderful, love the color...

