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Sunday, August 25, 2013

One year ago we opened up shop in Boston. Sadly we are closing the doors.

 One year ago we opened our second Maison Decor location
in Boston's south end on Harrison Ave.  Its in an artsy area with little
foot traffic except on Sundays~and that is one of the reasons we decided to
not renew our lease and go for another year. There was not enough of 
the everyday pedestrian traffic to warrant another year.
And the shop was a bit on the small side for a shop that carries furniture.
We had 450 square feet~not a lot of space.

 And so today, Sunday August 25, 2013, will be the day Maison Decor Boston closes its doors.
We plan to regroup and hunt down the perfect city spot for our special little store.
We are having our first sale ever in the history of Maison Decor.
25 % off all the furniture~painted and antiques.
So many shoppers loved our  store~and we did too.  So its a sad day today~
but one I know is necessary for growing our business bigger and stronger. 
Justin poured his heart and soul into the shop. 
Every Sunday he and his girlfriend Madison could be found
 in the shop helping customers and ringing up sales while Sylvia played 
the role of the charming store mascot.
It was a true team effort~ Colin did a lot of the behind the scenes stuff like 
getting the inventory in and out and moving furniture to new homes.
Madison would stop in and update our inventory on her way 
to working another job~I was doing most of the buying~
all this made for a fantastic little treasure of a shop~
but not enough people found us on this mostly quiet street.  
So that will be the thing to focus on the next time round. 
As they say in real estate....Location! Location! Location!
 We found that to be true with our first store in Malden~
this too has closed to the public and is now operating as our 
warehouse and shipping center. 
We plan to have occasional warehouse furniture sales here.
 Finding that we needed a better location we lucked out 
in the hunt with our 150 Main Street Reading, MA location.  
This is in a great spot and we are enjoying one of our best months ever here. 
 Of course it is a lot of work to open a new store. 
This is our third store we have opened in a year and a half!
Taking an ugly duckling and making it beautiful~
thats what you have to do, and I very much like the process.
 Using fabrics and accessories to make a place come to life~
and give it a sense of style and identity.
Our Boston store had a different feel than our other store~
and that was part of the fun. 
 So while we hunt for our next store location in Boston we will be combining
 bits of both styles in our Reading shop which I am quite excited about.
Not so feminine, not so urban...
its going to evolve and I think it will be quite wonderful.
 This was the handout we have in the shop this weekend~
our shoppers can find us for updates on instagram and
 twitter as well as our blogs and of course directly in our Reading location.
So long Boston! 
We loved this fabulous little store of ours.
..sniff sniff....
but rest assured we plan to be back, better than ever!



  1. Sad but the right place will come along. Wishing you the best.

  2. I'm sure you'll find the right fit for your beautiful wares, Amy. You and your family put so much heart into your shops. Happy hunting.

  3. Sorry it didn't work out. I am sure you will find the perfect new spot.

  4. It will be a good decision even though it was a tough one Amy! You always come back stronger than ever! Look at all you have accomplished!

    Feature: Artist Anne Harwell

  5. Sometimes you have to say some somber good-byes before you can claim the victorious hellos. With every goodbye you learn a little bit and those goodbyes alter your thinking and marketing and business practices. You are absolutely right- you will be stronger than ever when you regroup. Blessings to you- xo Diana

  6. This was a learning experience for you. It also allowed you to get more exposure without the expense of a large perfectly located store. Now you can decide exactly the type of store you'd like.

  7. This was a learning experience for you. It also allowed you to get more exposure without the expense of a large perfectly located store. Now you can decide exactly the type of store you'd like.

  8. Best of luck to you! You have a great product, so you'll be successful in the right locale.


  9. A smart girl knows when to call it quits and start anew- and you are that girl, for sure! With your talent and wonderful children, you can always consider yourself a success!

    Mimi @A House Romance

  10. I love the new Reading location!
    It's the perfect place for me to take my niece and make her.....I mean show her what she needs for her home!

  11. Good luck in finding the perfect location for the next shop!

  12. Sounds like you are a smart business women!!! Its amazing that you are having multiple locations in a year, even if they are not your original ones!! Congratulations on that!! xo leslie

  13. Sorry to say that I never got a chance to visit the Boston store, but Malden was such a treat! I am certain that the Reading shop will be a huge success, judging from the photos. Best of luck on your hunt for the perfect Boston location!

  14. A new stage in the development and expansion of your business - All I can say is, stand up girl and take a bow. Congrats. Mary

  15. Hey Amy, as the saying goes (pun intended) when one door closes another opens. I am so happy I had the chance to visit you there while it was there! I am sure you are going to be moving on to bigger and better things and your business is just starting to define itself and this is nothing but the inevitable growing pains that ALL businesses go through. I am truly in awe of all you have achieved and find it so exciting for you to be realizing your dreams!! Best of luck as you forge forward!

  16. I have no doubt that you will find a spot that is a more suitable location for your business amy. onward and upward.

  17. So sorry to hear that your Boston store location didn't work out for you. I'm sure it's all part of the learning curve with a new business though. Sounds like you know what to look for in your next location though.

  18. Oh...I loved the look of your Boston store so much...but you know if the numbers are making sense. I hope you find a perfect location in Boston next time. I bet there will be a lot of people missing your store on the weekends.

  19. Oh, Amy -- loved what you did with that darling space! Just know, though, that when the right spot comes your way, you'll work your magic again, building on the best of what you've learned.

  20. Well, you know that old saying, when one door closes another door opens....I know you will discover the perfect new location!....

  21. Good for you for making such a hard decision .
    Emotions aside,location, location, location!
    You all do beautiful work and will find the perfect spot!

  22. I can so clearly remember how excited you were to open your first shop, Amy. :) Such fun memories! But knowing you and your talented team, you WILL find a better location to grow your business. There's no question in my mind that you'll do just fine, girl! :)

    xoxo laurie

  23. I just the a post written by a very astute and savvy business woman...You're going to do great as you forge ahead. Thanks for sharing the journey with us. Cherry Kay
