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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Auction treasures: Pretty French and Swedish items!

 I love pretty decorating. I always have~since I was a young girl I favored 
this style of decor and adored my french provincial bedroom set as a young teen.
French and Swedish styles are my favorite now that I am all grown up,
and currently at auction houses these kinds of chairs will go for a song, 
mostly because the decorating rave is all mid century modern right now.
Above is a wonderful french provincial tufted back chair with some elaborate
details.  The fabric is old and worn but has silver threads woven in an ivory 
background and faded aqua can be seen here and there.  I love it!
It is not in the best shape as far as the upholstery goes, so that may need
to be addressed, but for now its a nice looking piece of French sculpture.
 Another fun french provincial chair I got was this one in purple velvet!
 This was the big thing I was hoping to get at the auction! Can you tell what it is? The rounded head.....its a mora clock case with a Boston clock works inside. The yellow stickers show that there were left bids, and one was a phone bidder too. So I knew there would be stiff competition for this clock.  It was a miniature mora clock standing about 4 feet tall, and it had everyone oohing and ahhing all over it! There aren't too many times at auction that I am determined to get something regardless of price, and this was one of those times. You all know I have an obsession with mora clocks and that we sell mora clock reproductions at our shop, Maison Decor.  I had never seen a mora clock like this one, its quite rare I believe.  There was interest from a reputable Boston auction house on this piece as well as all the left bids.  Would I be able to get my mora?  How much would I have to pay? Would someone push me out of the bidding? 
 Find out by watching the actual video of me bidding on the clock!
 There were a pair of Waterford crystal lamps 
with their original price stickers on the bottom
priced at $455! How much would they get at auction?
 This wedding cake chandelier was another item 
I really wanted as this style is one I love.
I don't see good vintage chandeliers very often, 
so this one was on my wish list in addition 
to the clock and the fun french tufted chairs.
 Well you can see I prevailed at auction! 
My mini mora clock was headed to its forever home.
Upon close inspection I could tell that the original paint 
had been stripped. I could see remnants of white paint 
and aqua paint on the edges of the backside.  
I am pretty sure I will be painting this clock, 
but for now was just over the moon about having this wonderful little clock.
 Mr. Maison Decor offered to get the clock running.  
Mora clocks have simple mechanisms inside and 
with a bit of thinking you can usually figure them out.  
I will post more on this part later.
 I was victorious on the wedding cake chandy too! 
 It was filthy rotten dirty, as my nana used to say 
when looking at us kids after we played in the yard all day. 
 Each crystal was taken off its tiered mount
 and bathed in white vinegar and hot water.
 What a splendid looking chandelier!  
It is going to be installed for me 
by Mr. Maison Decor when we have a chance~
perhaps on our anniversary next weekend!  
 This was another item I brought home from auction.  
I have always wanted a fainting couch and this one 
is in rough shape, so it could be my initial attempt at reupholstering.  
Then it might get loaded into Mr. Maison Decor's truck and 
brought to a professional.  But first I want to see if I can figure it out.
  Maybe my friend Betsy Speert will give me a few pointers, 
as she has taken classes and knows how to do 
a lot of this kind of stuff!!! (heheh hi Betsy)
 I rounded out my Sunday reading some of my new magazines.  
What a treat~I never get much time to do this kind of 
thing anymore as I am always in the shop. 
 Or playing catch up at the house.  But I am just excited to see 
Pretty Decor coming back into favor. 
 Check out the French and Swedish influences on this cover. 
 I think its fabulous!
Oh...and that Waterford crystal lamp came home with me too.  
At one tenth the MSRP sticker.  Now that's a good deal.



  1. Oh wow, you really did find some fabulous pieces. I love, love, love that clock. I would love for you to link up to my Inspire Me Party that is ongoing. http://www.astrollthrulife.net/2014/04/212th-inspire-me-tuesday.html Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

  2. You made out like a bandit Amy! Everything is so fabulous..congrats I can see they look perfect in your home, isn't it fun to find bargains and give them new life!!

  3. Amy, everything looks amazing! Now that purple chair is like a dream. I am reupholstering one just like your first picture too. My goal for Brimfield this year is to find French chairs and old chandies.

  4. How exciting! Where will the chandelier go?

  5. How exciting! Where will the chandelier go?

  6. What beau9riful pieces... drooling over here. The chairs, the clock, the lamp.
    Hugs, Gee

  7. Amy- What great finds...and good bidding skills. I love your Mora clock~and that lamp is gorgeous, too. Looks like you are doing really well, Ames. I am SOO happy for you-but you know that! xo Diana

  8. You got some gorgeous pieces, Amy! I love everything! Those chairs are wonderful and I am green with envy at your chandelier find. The clock is great, too, and I'm sure you will give it your special Mora Clock Touch! : )

  9. Absolutely fantastic finds Amy! Everything is gorgeous! I'm glad I was not at that auction...we might have had a war on that first chair! LOL! Not really, but it's gorgeous!

  10. We are soul sisters. It's official!
    That chandelier is beautiful now that you cleaned it up! I think I may have passed it by in its condition!
    I have been on a chandelier spree! Just bought a $5,000 chandelier for $100 and used a pipe cutter to cut off parts of it...now I am waiting on 500 feet of crystal garland that I bought on ebay to arrive from China!
    We never like things they way they are...do we? LOL!



  11. great finds, amy! the chandelier is my fav. you would love my mom's. is it made in sweden? i am proud of you for carving out time to settle in and read magazines like the olden days. i remember those days--they were dang sweet.


  12. When i heard you say you we're determined to get that moira clock, i knew it was gonna be yours! Those are great finds. I love the chair in your living room, it's wonderful! Heck, grab all the pretty stuff you can while everyone is distracted by that awful mid century stuff!


  13. Ha, ha.....
    Help you.....
    Maybe, maybe not.....
    I could smell the adreneline while I watched the video of you bidding on your new clock.

  14. What fabulous haul of treasures you got
    I love the shape of the chair with the purple cushion

  15. You rock, Amy! So cool and collected at the auction....and bringing home everything that you had your heart set on, too. Great job! :) I'm just swooning over that chandy. LOVE!!!

    xoxo laurie

  16. Oh my goodness you got some beautiful items. I am quite smitten with everyone of them!!!!!!! Love, love the clock and chaise and can I say that chandy is awesome. Lucky, lucky girl. Di @ cottage-wishes.

  17. Oh my goodness you got some beautiful items. I am quite smitten with everyone of them!!!!!!! Love, love the clock and chaise and can I say that chandy is awesome. Lucky, lucky girl. Di @ cottage-wishes.

  18. Oh my goodness you got some beautiful items. I am quite smitten with everyone of them!!!!!!! Love, love the clock and chaise and can I say that chandy is awesome. Lucky, lucky girl. Di @ cottage-wishes.

  19. I love all your auction wins! "Pretty" decorating is always in style for ones with taste! ;) I love seeing the transformation of your living room this spring. I love that chandy!!! LOVE IT!
