Christmas 2019
Christmas morning arrived to a fairly quiet household.
The pups were ready to open their fur stockings filled with toys and bones.
Mr. Maison Decor and I lingered with Snickerdoodle coffee and Swedish coffee bread
until our youngest woke up and my mother in law came over for presents.
That gave us time to get a Christmas portrait with the dogs...
Our Christmas was low key, but enjoyable. My 90 year old Mother in law
arrived with batter to make us all a breakfast of Swedish pancakes before we unwrapped gifts.
However because both my husband and myself were under the weather from head colds,
our Christmas Eve party planned the night before was canceled.
However that didn't stop us!
I felt a bit like we were in Whoville after the Grinch tried to steal Christmas.
We celebrated together in style, dressing up anyways, and enjoying champagne
and a steak dinner together. This, our 15th Christmas together and that is worth celebrating!
Christmas Eve was always the dress up dinner party at my house growing up.
And hubs family had an equally big affair at his aunt's home with a big dinner and
Santa arriving with a sack of gifts for him and his older brother. They sang carols around
the piano long into the night. We both have fond memories of our childhood Christmases.
The lead up to Christmas was strong this year.
The early and often snowfalls really got me in the Christmas spirit quickly.
Reeve and I made her first snowman, Olaf, after a good storm.
When I popped in the eyes and the carrot nose she cheered in delight!
We also made Christmas cookies, which was a fun but messy undertaking.
I don't recall making cookies during my childhood Christmases, but I love the idea of
I don't recall making cookies during my childhood Christmases, but I love the idea of
that tradition, and want to begin it with my granddaughter.
Another fun thing I did was to order a felted needlework kit made by Bucilla company,
featuring the Twelve Days of Christmas. It was really enjoyable to sit and do some crafting.
I don't consider myself a crafty person at Christmas as I am more into the decorating at this time of year. But this was so much fun! It is kind of a throw back craft to the 60s and 70s, but they really are beautiful in a vintage kind of way. It will take months to finish this collection.
Yes, lots of decorating, and I was in high gear for adding bits
around the house including the kitchen. I have this red Swedish candelabra
that had me adding red velvet ribbons to my copper molds by the kitchen window.
Lots of cooking and mess making, and it all felt so festive!
And then there is the three hour process of
Swedish Coffee bread making!
Holidays always includes the family recipe for Swedish Coffee Bread,
someone I know from Sweden also calls it Cardamom Braid,
as it has Cardamom seeds and spice. Delicious!
And then there is the three hour process of
Swedish Coffee bread making!
Holidays always includes the family recipe for Swedish Coffee Bread,
someone I know from Sweden also calls it Cardamom Braid,
as it has Cardamom seeds and spice. Delicious!
Greenery was sprinkled through out our house...
The family Creche set that was made by my paternal grandmother
was handed down to me this year as a gift from my 90 year old father.
I know he wants to see it continue down the family line,
and I think I know who will receive it next.
In the days leading up to Christmas, Reeve and I had such fun doing
Christmassy things like making ornaments, cookies...
and those old fashioned paper rings for the tiny feather tree.
I love making a book for Reeve capturing the moments of the year past.
And this is the third year I have made our family highlight book.
These are great for capturing and remembering all the big and small moments
throughout the year, and something I plan to do as long as I can.
I love making a book for Reeve capturing the moments of the year past.
And this is the third year I have made our family highlight book.
These are great for capturing and remembering all the big and small moments
throughout the year, and something I plan to do as long as I can.
Look how cute Reeve's Swedish dollhouse looks nestled under the tree.
The Seven Swans a swimming was the next ornament...
All sequined and hung on the tree! Only ten more to go....
Our big boy Colby...I think you can spot the Two turtle Doves
and Seven Swans ornaments on the tree behind him.
And suddenly it was December 24th.
All those Christmassy moments led to our big night...
and even though our big party was dashed,
we had a romantic and quiet party mostly to ourselves!
A brief visit from son
Brandon and daughter in law Mimi
and son Colin was in Thailand with his new fiance Rachel,
and youngest son Scott was off to a party at his maternal grandmothers home.
and youngest son Scott was off to a party at his maternal grandmothers home.
We hope your Christmas was merry and bright, as was ours!
Lastly, one more tradition we have to share with you...
our Family Photo Christmas Card with dogs!!