Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Garden update: ramshackle shed in place!

 Its been a busy week at home outside, as hubs and son have dedicated themselves to making my dreams come true.  What dreams?  Well I wanted to move a condemned shed in my mother-in-law's backyard, (which is next doors) into our yard, on the upper terrace near my vegetable garden. So we began the project this week, and it started off with a few bonuses, like adding six feet of  extra width to this narrow courtyard.  Justin's idea, and I love it! That meant building...
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Saturday, June 18, 2016

A week of Inspiration

 Its been a week full of personal inspiration, one I won't forget. The beginning of the week had me making the decision to create some  landscape mural paintings in my home office/studio.  Mind you I have never painted scenes or anything before (besides furniture and some decorative wall panels I did for my shop two years ago).  But I was carrying the inspiration of Jennifer Lanne's artistic style, particularly some chairs she did at the commission of designer Sandra...
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Friday, June 10, 2016

My magical garden plan takes shape

 This year's goal for the outside is to pull together different ideas I have conjured up for the outdoor spaces and get it all to come together.  Last year we created a small peagravel courtyard that is  accessed by the french doors we added off of our dining room.  When you do everything yourself, it sometimes takes longer to come together, and that has been the hardest part I think.  That entire project was a dramatic win for me and hubs.  We all use the...
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Friday, June 3, 2016

Taylor shares about her heart transplant

Hi everyone, its been awhile since my last blog post, and I have to say life is just whirling right now. I finished up Brimfield Antique Fair with my son, Justin Power.  We also made the decision to close his shop, Pioneer Goods Co., in Boston.  Although it was heart wrenching in some aspects, in other ways it was a clear cut decision for Justin to move in another direction.  Retail Home Decor shops are incredibly time consuming and a true labor of love.  Even when a shop...
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