Thursday, April 19, 2018

Curbside Antiquing: A French Chair

 A very basic day began.... It was another cold day in Boston.  And it was local trash pick up day so bags and boxes dotted the sidewalks. Baby Reeve was in the backseat, and we were headed home from a trip to Lowes.  We had picked up a toilet repair kit to fix a pesky commode.  Glamorous.   While we were out, we hit Marshall's where we scored some puddle jumpers for Reeve.   Exactly what I was looking for, as I imagined her in these boots...
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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Our Courtyard Wedding in Romantic Homes magazine and more French Chairs

 The May issue of Romantic Homes magazine is on the stands and inside you will find a nice little feature on the courtyard wedding we had last September.  The cheery yellow and white cover is hard to miss, so look for it in Barnes and Noble, grocery stores, Walmart and other places like that. Look at those darling slipcovers on the chairs!! Lots of spring inspiration inside this issue, as well our wedding feature.  Here is a sneak peek, and it tells the story of how I...
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