Monday, December 31, 2012

The Best of Years~2012

Well there was a lot to like in 2012!  I can't say I have had a year like this~so many wonderful things happened to me and looking back through old blog posts takes me to those specific places and times in an instant.  The end of a year is always a time for reflection and gratitude, and this year is no different.  I started out this year being a mom and wife with a part time long term decorating career under my belt. The blog was in its second year and going strong...but something...
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

February Classes and a Silvery Grey Sideboard

 The latest painted piece in the shop is this Silvery Grey Sideboard.  Its quite large and has great lines and storage.  I found it at auction and this is how it came into the shop~ all two tone brown with scratches and scuffs but in solid overall condition.   I was going to go for a Gustavian look with this piece.  This time I planned to use quite a few things like Chalk Paint in addition to a couple of other things like the Artisan Enhancements  Pearl...
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve 2012 Our Family Scrapbook The night had finally arrived! Dillon waited in the living room for the family members to arrive for our  traditional Christmas Eve dinner party. I was as prepared as I ever could be given the new stores and the workload with that~so this party would just be for our family this year, with no extras like we sometimes invite.  Justin arrived first bringing some handcrafted gifts  inside handcrafted gift bags! This kid is like...
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