Monday, January 23, 2012

Vintage Blue Chandy for the Dining Room

I have to say I am pretty excited about this one!
 Blue opaline Murano glass drops and beaded garland
 are strung from this 1930s chandelier from Italy.
Someone contacted me after seeing the
 blue opaline chandelier drops on my blog,
 to see if I might be interested in buying them. 
*pinch me*
The seller found me online after
A dear blog reader, Betsy Duggan, sent me some of her 
blue chandy parts
which I added to my living room chandelier.
The seller googled blue chandelier and found me!
Yes~ I want to BUY them!!!
Here is my living room chandy~with
Betsy's vintage Murano blue opaline drops and beads,
taking it from pretty to pretty darn fabulous~
and that led to my purchase here:
 The seller emailed  me to see if I was interested in 
purchasing a blue opaline chandy from his grandmother's estate~
she had bought them in Europe, long ago.
 Oh yes! I certainly was~
and the sale included
 a pair of sconces so lovely I had to pinch myself again. 
Because of blogging and blog friends and readers and such
these old blue light fixtures are now happily hanging in my home!
This blue glass is pale and milky and translucent~
I bought some reproduction drops from an eBay supplier 
and they are dead and flat and disappointing.
 The day I hung this wallpaper was the
 very day I got the email asking if I was interested~
I visualized how pretty it might look.
Its as if the energies of the universe 
said the chandy needed to live here!
And I had to agree~
 The chandelier looks good from every angle~
and is captured in my millions of mirrors. 
 I knew there was a reason one should have so many mirrors.
The better to see all the chandeliers!
On another note~and nothing to do with light fixtures:
Hubs and I have been watching Gold Rush Alaska
and wait for every episode to come out on Friday night.
Have you seen Gold Rush? 
It is about 3 different groups trying to strike gold in Alaska 
in the short summer season before the ground freezes over.
We wait and wait to see if they are going to get gold....
it has been funny and boring and exciting~
just like real life.
We have our favorite characters, like 17 year old Parker, 
and then there is this one guy we love to mimic 
and make fun of...I won't say who...
and we laugh and laugh!
Anyway, it is on Discovery channel and it can suck you in,
this is not like Downton Abbey on PBS,
its a bunch of guys running excavators looking for gold.
But for some reason it is fun to watch.
And one other random thing....
I wanted to say if you have long hair and sleep with 
one of those foam pillows that are molded on one side...
and have had your hair stop growing on the back only(!!)..
well~ I wondered why my hair was 
breaking off at the back of my head
at the nape of my neck!!!
I finally figured it out after two years~it was the darn pillow!
I told my hairdresser and she sleeps with one too and
her hair had been doing the same thing!
The hair was not growing longer in the back 
anymore, just the sides!! 
It snaps the hair off, grabbing it on the foam. Ugh.
Automatic mullet maker.
What the heck!
So I stopped using the pillow to see if it was the culprit,
and sure enough it was.
Although I liked the comfort and support of the foam,
it is confirmed, as my hair has grown back now~
the tempur pedic style foam pillow causes hair breakage.
I couldn't figure out how to work this into a post,
so I am just adding it on here as a 
"public service announcement" for 
women with long hair who can't figure out why 
their hair looks awful in the back.
 Tip for the Day

linking the chandy to~


  1. Amy, I love your new pretties. That blue is gorgeous. I want to add some clear pieces to my bathroom chandy. Do you know where I can buy them?

    My husband watches Gold Rush, too. He wants them to find a bunch of it.

  2. Gorgeous chandelier. I am in love with your wallpaper too.

  3. OMG!!!! SHE GIFTED YOU WITH IT????????? It is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love them all. They look awesome in your beautiful home, as if they belonged there. Congratulations:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. WOWZA! The chandy is stunning & sconces are stunning! It was meant to be :)

  5. Kim, you can get crystals for your chandy in clear and colors and all different shapes at!

  6. Debra~I purchased the new chandy and sconces from a seller. My blog reader Betsy gifted me the blue drops and beads that I added to my white chandy in the living room!

  7. Oh Amy it seriously looks divine,i love the wall lights so very much and the top of your buffet with the cyclamen looks dreamy,you really are very stylish,sigh the mirror on the accent wall and the wall lights reflecting,gorgeous.
    Mullet maker LOL! i know its not funny your hair broke but that made me laugh out loud.....i used to have one of those pillows and my hair always had breakage at the back and i tossed it out a couple of years ago and now my hair is long,i never twigged that was the reason xx

  8. *le sigh* What gorgeous light fixtures for your already stunning dining room! I am telling you it needs to be featured in a magazine. Mr. Art @ Home was watching Gold Rush last night while I was supervising homework. He likes the show!

    Ricki Jill

  9. Your blue chandy and sconces are absolutely stunning. What a great treasure. Hugs, Marty

  10. What an amazing find! I have never seen one like it before. And it looks fabulous with the wallpaper.

  11. That chandelier is beautiful, Amy! What a bonus that there were matching sconces, too. How nice that they found you! : )

  12. I think I'm going to have to sit down ... your chandelier and sconces are totally GORGEOUS!!! Just the right pop of vintage turquoise in your beautiful pale, restful dining room. Wow!!!

    Your pillow problem sounds like the adult version of what we call 'baby pattern baldness'. You know, when a newborn lays on its back and rubs all the hair off the back of its head by turning its head from side to side? Glad you solved the mystery ... no foam pillows for me. Thanks for the advice.

  13. I concur with the chandys of the universe! I love your new addition to your chandelier! Absolutely stunning!

  14. Lucky you and wonderful blogland. Another great reason to blog! When I have a question and ask in a post, I usually get an answer.

  15. Amy, I think I would have peed my pants when someone contacted me about buying MORE blue opaline pieces. OMGOSH...Can you BELIEVE it? Aren't bloggers just the bench of people in the world? It looks so beautiful in your home all gussied up! And the sconces are amazing, too.

    I have never heard of Gold Rush. It does sound like a fun show though.

    No hair problems here! I have xo Diana

  16. Simply stunning! A work of precious blue, sparkly art!!

  17. Love the chandelier Amy. Blue opaline has such a romantic feel to it.

  18. Can I say that I'm a wee bit jealous? More than a wee bit, actually. That is an unbelievably beautiful piece!

    Don't use one of those pillows and you can be sure I won't even think of using one now!


  19. OMG, Look at that chandelier, AND the two sconces! They're totally completely breathtaking... WOW! What a find!
    and thanks for the tip on the pillow, i sleep on one of those neck pillows, but i have a pillow case on it... although, my hair has always looked really raggedy in the back, so not sure if i would notice a difference, but actually, that's a good thing to know about...!


  20. Fabulous! Just Fabulous! How lucky you are. I love love love your wall paper too.
    I want to pop in for some coffee or tea. LOL
    I did not know that about the pillow. (Thought it was just me)
    I have long hair and it was pulling so I started pulling my hair up with one of those soft scrunchies to sleep..Looks like it is time for a new pillow.
    Hope you have a wonderful week, Melissa

  21. Your new chandy and sconces are amazing! They couldn't have gone to a better person. They go perfect in your home. I love the new sconces that match too. My husband and I watch Gold Rush too. I'm not as big a fan as he is, but I usually sit in there and watch it with him and suddenly realize I'm getting sucked into it! Ha! When my husband is home, there is either football, history channel, military channel, discovery channel, cops or wrestling on. When he's not home..... NONE of that is on! Ha!

  22. Amy, I love your chandelier. It's absolutely gorgeous. Sconces too!
    And YES, I watch Gold Rush every Friday night. I'm addicted! I love it. My husband introduced me to it this year and I had to watch the first season on Netflix while working in my craft room. Love those guys:)

  23. The chandy and sconces were meant to be in your home! They look fabulous with your wallpaper!

  24. Oh you got to be kidding me! Those chandys are so flipping gorgeous!!! You lucky girl!!! Wow!

    Gold Rush ALaska is my Hubbies favourite show and we never miss it!
    Todd and his crew are our favourite! We are rooting for them big time!

  25. Hi Amy~~ You are so lucky. I have a smaller chandelier in my kitchen with the same blue. It is my FAVORITE piece in my house~~~~~I would love to have more of it.

    It all looks so pretty...thanks for sharing

  26. i bet you are covered in bruises from all the pinching - i know i would be! your chandelier and sconces are unbelievably FABULOUS!!!

  27. WAIT A MINUTE!!! Do you mean sleeping on the foam pillows without a pillowcase??? Or do you mean sleeping on it WITH a pillowcase.I do the latter and I haven't noticed anything. Please let me know!! Maybe I just haven't paid enough attention.

  28. Karen and Cindy~I sleep with bedding on my mattress and pillows!!!! OMG hahhhaha!! Of course it means with a pillow case on top of the foam pillow. Yes, I sleeo with a pillow case and it destroyed my hair.

  29. I love it! Everything you do is so pretty :)

  30. It is gorgeous, Amy! And I love your public service announcement - haha! I will make sure to never buy one of those pillows.

  31. You are soooo lucky!! LOVE them sooo much!! xoxo

  32. Hi Amy, just stopping into to say hi to a few of my favorite people before the workers start knocking!! I love the blue chandelier, it gives a subtle pop of color to the room....beautiful!
    Thanks for the pillow alert.....that is crazy!

  33. Hi Amy,
    I love your blue chandelier. I have wanted one since seeing one in one of Rachel Ashwells books. The milky blue is perfect. I also have purchased some drops from an ebay seller , but they are not quite the right color. Love the way it is reflected in all the mirrors.

  34. I copy you....
    You copy me.....
    So then I copy you.....
    I caught the jab about all the mirrors.....
    HA HA HA!!!

  35. Oh Amy....they are simply...


    You can't see me, but I'm green....with envy.

    Janet xox

  36. Oh My gorgeous chandy
    Love all the bling

  37. I have never seen a blue chandelier like that in my life! It's beautiful! Following you now...came over via Betsy hubby is a retired cop and I was a 911 operator for years! Your taste is impeccable and I like cop families! xo

  38. AMY !!!!! How did I miss this post ??????? I LOVE the new Chandelier and Sconces !!! You SCORED BIG baby !! Yay Good for you !!!! Hugs Betsy

  39. Wow--lucky you! It is beautiful! It is uplifting to hear your happiness about it--enjoy!

  40. Just Beautiful! I am hooked on Your Blog...Your Home is Simply Gorgeous, and just the type of French Flair I was looking for. Found you through Betsy's new blog, you gotta love blogland...So, So many Talented Women creating beautiful spaces to live!
    Thanx for Sharing,

  41. I love all the opalescent blue glass in your house. Love, love, love those sconces. I didn't know you painted a lamp on New Year's Eve. I was working on New Year's Eve. I think painting a lamp is a perfect thing to do on that night.

  42. OMG OMG and have such a great taste..chandelier and the sconces and that wallpaper everyhting is to die for ....Im gonna pin your home in it such an inspiration... out of curiousity can I know how much did you pay for the chandlier and the sconces ..I want to check all the antique stores coz i really want those blue jewerley :)


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